National Peanut Board Approves New Board Seat and Strategic Initiatives at July Meeting

National Peanut Board Approves New Board Seat and Strategic Initiatives at July MeetingAug 6, 2024

July 30, 2024 – ATLANTA – The National Peanut Board (NPB) convened for its July board meeting in Savannah, Georgia and approved several strategic initiatives and structural changes aimed at propelling the peanut industry forward. Key topics discussed included the approval of an additional at-large board position, the Fiscal Year 2025 budget and Program of Work, and a shift to three annual board meetings.

In a move to enhance diversity and inclusivity within its leadership, the Board approved initiating the process to amend the Peanut Promotion, Research and Information Order to add a new at-large member and alternate, a producer appointed by the secretary from Board nominations. This new at-large member will hold full voting rights, with a weighted-vote value equivalent to that of a minor peanut producing state. Administrative updates were also approved to bring the Order up-to-date with current practices.

This change aims to bring fresh perspectives and strengthen the Board's collective voice in advancing the peanut industry.

"The Board has worked diligently these last few months to establish the language to create this new at-large producer member.The National Peanut Board members themselves will select nominees to fill both an at-large member position and an at-large alternate member position,” said National Peanut Board Chairman and Arkansas member Greg Baltz.

“The Secretary of Agriculture will make the appointments from these nominees.We will be seeking producers who can bring additional perspectives to our deliberations as we strive to serve the US peanut farmers,” he continued.

USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service will lead the process to amend the Order through rule making. The process will include a public comment period.

Also at the meeting, the upcoming Fiscal Year 2025 budget and Program of Work was unveiled, spotlighting strategic initiatives tailored to resonate with emerging consumer trends and key demographics.

A notable focus will be on engaging Gen Z, who are coming of age with a strong interest in health and wellness. NPB plans to align its marketing efforts with these trends, ensuring peanuts are positioned as a nutritious and versatile choice.

The "We the Peanut" marketing campaign will be a cornerstone of NPB's efforts, celebrating the heritage and future of peanuts while promoting their benefits across various channels.

Additionally, the Board will enhance its outreach to K-12 schools and higher education institutions, fostering a new generation of peanut enthusiasts and advocates.

Recognizing the critical importance of early dietary habits, NPB will also intensify its marketing towards new parents. This initiative aims to supercharge the uptake of early introduction of peanuts and peanut products, leveraging the latest health guidelines to promote peanut foods as a safe and beneficial choice for young children.

These efforts collectively represent NPB's commitment to innovative, targeted marketing that drives awareness and consumption of peanuts across diverse and influential consumer segments.

"With the Fiscal Year 2025 Program of Work, we are committed to eradicating peanut allergies and igniting a passion for peanuts among Gen Z and Millennials. By removing barriers to consumption and advancing production research, we're driving the industry towards a dynamic and inclusive future," said National Peanut Board Vice Chairman and Georgia member Casey Cox Kerr.

The next step in the process is for USDA to review and approve the Fiscal Year 2025 budget Program of Work, which begins November 1, 2024.

Additionally, the board voted to reduce the number of annual meetings from four to three. This change is designed to ensure that discussions at the board meetings can be effectively implemented at the ground level and to make the meetings more efficient for board members.

"The reduction to three meetings annually will allow us ample time to execute the vital work of the Board and not stress our members by requiring time away from our farming operations during critical production seasons," said Baltz.

These strategic initiatives and structural changes underscore NPB's commitment to innovation, inclusivity, and efficiency, paving the way for a robust future for the peanut industry.

Contact: Ashton Pellom

Phone: 678.424.5717


About the National Peanut Board

The National Peanut Board represents USA peanut farmers and their families. Through research and marketing initiatives the Board is finding new ways to enhance production and increase consumer demand by promoting the great taste, nutrition and culinary versatility of USA-grown peanuts. For more information about the Board, visit

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