National Peanut Board Food Allergy Grant Program: Call for Proposals

Man holding peanuts for National Peanut Board Food Allergy Grant Program

The National Peanut Board (NPB) is pleased to announce its Request for Proposals for its 2024 food allergy grant program. Funding is available to support research into the prevention, diagnosis, management and treatment of food allergies.

Since NPB was founded in 2001, America’s peanut farmers have invested more than $36 million to helping solve the peanut and food allergy issue – through research, education and outreach. Projects funded have helped uncover the science of food allergies, contributed to innovations and educated thousands of people living with food allergies on how to manage their safety and health. Building on this work, this year we would like prospective applicants to submit inquiries focused on one or more of the following priorities:

  • Prevention — recognizing that early introduction of peanut is now the standard of care to prevent the development of peanut allergy [1], we look for opportunities to accelerate adoption by families and clinicians. Projects that reduce or eliminate barriers, reach and support traditionally vulnerable populations and/or foster collaboration and knowledge sharing are particularly needed.
  • Diagnosis — recognizing that current evidence-based tools have shortcomings, we look for opportunities to support research and education toward development, adoption and acceptance of better diagnostic tools and practices.
  • Treatment — recognizing that therapeutic interventions are developing at a faster pace than ever, we look for opportunities to support research into and education about emerging therapies and practices, including advocacy around treatment options and how to make these options more accessible.
  • Management — recognizing that K-12 schools have utilized research-based practices to manage allergens in their facilities for decades, we look for opportunities to support evidence-based food allergy management strategies that provide the highest level of safety and consistency in schools and other community-serving institutions.

Projects that address disparities in food allergy prevalence and management among underrepresented groups and/or projects that address inequity in health information and care will be given particular consideration.

Interested applicants should complete a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) form, found here, no later than 11:59 PM Eastern Time, Wednesday, August 7, 2024. The LOI should include:

  • Project description [2]
  • Name of institution, principal investigator, and why each is well suited to undertake the project. Please note that eligible institutions include not-for-profit organizations and academic institutions. Private, for-profit entities are not eligible.
  • Project timeline [3]
  • Population served by the project
  • Project deliverables and how they will be measured
  • Intent for academic communication (publications, posters, presentations, etc.)
  • Budget

After reviewing letters of inquiry, selected applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal wherein they will be asked to provide more detailed information about the project.

We encourage you to circulate this Request for Proposal among your colleagues and peers and appreciate your interest in our grant making program.



[2] Grant applicants must be nonprofit agencies with evidence of tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code that are not classified as private foundations. Please note that we do not fund grants for:

  • Capital projects
  • Debt relief
  • General operating support
  • Individuals
  • Political campaigns or candidates
  • Projects that involve animals in research
  • The purchase of equipment with a cost greater than $500 unless the equipment was specifically identified in the project proposal reviewed and approved by NPB
  • Operating expenses that include, but are not limited to, insurance, telephone bills, the purchase of facilities and utilities costs
  • Salary support for a Principal Investigator

[3] Please note that projects will be funded in late 2024 with project execution expected in 2025. Please also note that while multi-year projects are not without precedent, the Board can only grant one year of funding at a time, and applicants for multi-year projects would need to submit a new proposal each year.

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